Plenary talks


Alexander V. Arhangelískii, t-pseudocompactness and related properties and problems.

Etienne Ghys, Generic leaves, following Cantwell and Conlon.

Shigenori Matsumoto, Fixed points and periodic points of area preserving homeomorphisms.

Haruto Ohta, The unique midset property of metric spaces.

Jean Saint Raymond, Compact covering.


Hyperspace topologies


Angelo Bella, On pseudoradial spaces.

Ahmed Bouziad, Consonance et P-points.

Jean Calbrix, s-compactness of a space X and K-analycity of Cp(X).

Monique Chicourrat, Ultrafilters and regular extensions of proximity spaces.

Gabriel Debs, Countable compact covering.

Hiroshi Fujita, On compactly generated groups.

Yasunao Hattori, Dugundji extenders and retracts on generaliged ordered spaces.

Charles Horvath, On the constant selection problem.

Akio Kato, A bridge between fractal theory and general topology.

Nobuyuki Kemoto, Topological properties of product spaces of ordinal numbers.

Frédéric Mynard, Whitehead theorem and hyperspaces.

Akihiro Okuyama, Note on subspaces of irrationals and normality of product spaces.

Alexei V. Ostrovskii, Set-valued maps with transmission property.

Michel Pillot, Triquotient maps become inductively perfect with the aid of consonance and continuous selections.

Masami Sakai, Variations on tightness in function spaces.

Dimitri Shakhmatov, Continuous images of compact Hausdorff spaces: An application of recent developments in the theory of consonant spaces.

Marc Sioen, On the numerification of proximal "hit and miss" hypertopologies.

Gino Tironi, Weakly FU-spaces and Pytkeev's spaces.

Yukinobu Yajima, Generalizations of Arhangel'skii's regular bases and their applications.

Kohzo Yamada, On free topological groups.



Dynamical systems


François Beguin, Smale flows on 3-manifold.

Jean-Christophe Benière, Minimal foliations on surfaces.

Christian Bonatti, Lorenz attractors with arbitrary expanding dimension.

Marc Bonino, The space of Brouwer homeomorphism is locally and globally arc connected.

Jean-Marc Gambaudo, Indice de Maslov asymptotique et flots hamiltoniens.

François Gautero and Jérôme Los, CW complexes dynamiques ou comment voir dynamiquement certains groupes de type fini.

Etienne Ghys, A parabolic lamination.

Lucien Guillou, A generalization of the Poincaré Birkhoff theorem to the open annulus.

Koichi Hiraide, On expansive homeomorphisms.

Rémi Langevin, Topological entropies.

Frédéric Le Roux, Homotopy type of the space of Brouwer homeomorphism.

Gaël Meignez, Flows whithout minimal subsets on surfaces of infinite genus.

Tracy Payne, Harmonic measure for foliations: Calculations and examples.

Elisabeth Pécou, Dynamique sur le continuum de Whitehead.

Gioia Vago, On conjugacy between unstable lamination of hyperbolic sets.